media analysis Archives ⋆ An Old International

this has been the month

It has been a black month, this February 2020 just past. Several incidences have severely dashed any hope of a dialogue between the fans and the DFB. That is almost considered a lesser evil, considering the outbreak of racism and vicious attacks. This has been the month during which a player has been racially abused…

World Cup Review

This year’s Women’s World Cup was hoped to be the best ever. This is possibly what has been said and will be said about past and future tournaments. More accurately, a World Cup can give a glimpse into the state of the game. And there is still some work to do. This review will look…

Coming Out

In September 2012 a German magazine has published an interview with a supposedly homosexual footballer who asked to stay anonymous. So far, so normal. However, there are doubts that the interview took place at all but instead might have served a totally different purpose. The topic of homophobia in German football has been dealt with…