Michael Ballack Archives ⋆ An Old International

Austria vs Germany: A Century of Rivalry pt. 2

[typography font=”Alike” size=”14″ size_format=”px”]While part 1 of this history of the Austro-German football rivalry looked at events more than 50 years ago, this part will focus on games of the more recent past: the World Cup matches in 1978 and 1982 as well as the European Championship match in 2008.[/typography] [typography font=”Alike” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]The Infamy…

The Nearly Men

Didier Drogba, Michael Ballack…the list could be continued and will be in the future. But what these players have in common is a successful playing career with their club sides and defeat on the international stage. Sometimes bitter defeats, sometimes truly deserved. This piece will highlight both players’ highs and lows and near misses. Ballack…