The editor of Turnstiles Magazine has kindly answered some questions. Please note that this Q&A has been conductred via email and direct messages on twitter.
1. What was the decisive factor that turned you into an editor?
I always wanted to do my own magazine for years. I always dreamt of holding something in my hand that I had produced. After years of reading great magazines, I wanted to try and join in. Then when the second lockdown was announced in the U.K. I decided that now was the time to actually put my dreams into practice and give myself something to focus on and do in my spare time.
2. Why the name Turnstiles? Were there other options?
I’m a big Morrissey fan and have always loved his use of football imagery in his live shows/lyrics. So the lyric from his song “We’ll let you know”, Honest I swear it’s the Turnstiles, that make us hostile…had always been in my mind to use. There was no other contenders to be honest as I was dead set on using that.
It’s a line from the Morrissey song „We’ll let you know“: Honest, I swear it’s the Turnstiles, that make us hostile … There were no other options nor contenders.
3. From reading the magazine I got the impression that its focus is on Lacashire. Is there a particular reason for that? If so, why? I must admit, I’m not sure, if Bury is in Lancashire …
Lancashire is in my veins. I don’t consider myself English or British, I’m a Lancastrian! The Lancashire “special” came about as I had a few ideas of stories i wanted telling in Issue one like the Creative Football and interviewing TRiCKETT so it just seemed to grow from there when I got talking to people and people offering to write about local clubs. I always feel Lancashire is left behind too often in the football press and in the press generally really. It’s like a forgotten part of the U.K. in my opinion, even though so much good has come from here over the years. I always feel Lancashire clubs are talked down upon, like a patronising tap on the head when compared to our North West counterparts in Manchester United, Liverpool and I’m more recent years Manchester City. It’s always annoyed me when people from towns like Blackburn, Bolton and Preston support one of those other clubs I just mentioned. Just support your local team and go to matches with your mates! And Bury is traditional Lancashire. I won’t accept places like Bury, Bolton, Wigan etc etc being lumped in with the Greater Manchester tag.
4. THE inevitable question: which club do you support? And what has made you support them?
The greatest team in the world Blackburn Rovers. For such a small club in terms of fan base we have a very rich history. Walk round Ewood parks trophy room and it’s filled with trophies and medals. Add in European adventures in recent history and of course being one of only a handful of clubs to win the Premier League. Plus we gave the greatest striker ever, Alan Shearer the best days of his career! Being from Blackburn and having a dad and Grandad that we’re big rovers fans meant it was just a natural rite of passage. I used to go mostly midweek games when I was really small as my dad and Grandad both ran the family business. My Dad used to take me to reserve matches as my he thought, well if he gets bored then it’s only a few quid, but I loved it. When my Grandad finally retired we got our first season ticket and I’ve never looked back. I was really sad the day my Grandad told me he wasn’t getting another season ticket due to old age and not wanting to go out on a cold December Wednesday night. But I understood and just started going with mates instead.
5. Future: special issues on clubs/players?
In terms of other regional specials or club specials I’m not too sure at the moment. I don’t really want to plan too far ahead. I’ll just go with the flow. I don’t think I’d ever do a club special as I personally like to read a varied magazine. But in terms of regional specials I’d like to do would be the North East, South West and Midlands…at some point.
You can read the full review here.
You can find the magazine via the usual channels, twitter and instagram and a like and a follow is highly recommended.
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