…we’ll settle for nothing later… Rage against the Machine appeared to be the right sountrack for the day when it must have become clear even to the last person with the slightest interest in football, that something is rotten at the core of the organization claiming to represent football: FIFA.
The report into the investigation of Michael Garcia as presented by the German Judge Eckert turns everything around: FIFA are not corrupt nor were the countries bidding for the right to host the World Cups in 2018 and 2022 applying any measures deemed to be corrupt or unlawful. However, before this turns into a rant that surely is necessary, the document itself is provided as evidence of the gross misjudgment.
Statement Eckert on the bidding process for 2018 and 2022
How can it be that all of a sudden England are accused of breaking the rules of conduct? According to Eckert, it is simple. Their mistake: they co-operated with the invrstigator Michael Garcia. The excuse of the Russians, that the hardware was only borrowed and thus the emails that could prove any corruption are no longer accessible, beggars belief.
This lie, so blatantly sold as the truth cannot, must not be accepted. If we don’t take action now…