Football Magazines Archives ⋆ An Old International

Halb Vier: Interview

Below you’ll find a brief Q&A section with the editor of Halb Vier, an English language magazine focusing on German football, ‘be it the the stadiums, the fans, the beer or the even the action on the pitch’ Feargal, editor of Halb Vier The interview was conducted by email. 1.What was the moment you have…

Review: Halb Vier, No. 4

The market for football magazines of all sorts is huge with new titles emerging regularly, promising the best writing we’ve never heard of paired with some stunning layout and imagery. Halb Vier isn’t that new, issue four is being discussed here but it is the focus on Germany that offers a difference. If there is…

Soccerama Magazine Review

A new magazine enlightens our football horizon: Soccerama, a magazine for football culture. It entered the scene with aplomb, selling out the first print run in just 3 weeks. The market for football magazines seems to have exploded in recent years; not just for football magazines but also magazines covering all sorts of areas and…