Magdeburg's statement of support ⋆ An Old International

Magdeburg’s statement of support

The world has become a different one over the past fortnight and once again football may become of secondary importance for quite a while.

The expressions of solidarity with Ukraine come aplenty and are endearing. It is a sign that people share their thoughts with those people in urgent need.

It is in this situation that FC Magdeburg have decided to make a stand on the pitch by swapping their usual white shorts for yellow ones and thus sporting the colours of Ukraine.

Magdeburg's Luca Schuler wearing the colours of Ukraine

Sadly, some idiots among the away fans had nothing better to do than to ignite fireworks inside the ground and after their team had equalised. Such is their stupidity and ignorance that they just could not behave and act mature. Thanks to Magdeburg still sitting at the top of the table, the Saxony-Anhalt derby will be a thing of the past for at least next season. And this is OK.

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