Last night’s friendly between Germany and France saw the latter beating one of the best teams in the world and one German team considered to be one of the best ever, only behind the great team of the early 1970s that beat England 3-1 a Wembley in April 1972. What can be drawn from this result last night? France are a team to be reckoned with, even a semi-final is not beyond them if they keep this momentum of 18 games without defeat and if all players stay fit and healthy.
The same procedure as every year
For Germany the match last night was the same procedure as every year: the first game of the year almost has been a defeat in the last six years. In 2006 Italy beat Klinsmann’s team convincingly 4-1 in Florence which sparked a discussion whether or not Germany has the means to be a great team and play a role in the 2006 World Cup. They did, they came third after losing their semi-final against smart Italians. 2009 saw Norway beat Germany while last year Australia took revenge for the defeat at the World Cup in South Africa. 2010 L